
chair_mat is a chair mat I built for my carpeted office.


p-run is a utility that runs a program, script, or series of commands on a large number of hosts in parallel. It simplifies management of machines in computer labs. It uses ssh, and supports password and key-based authentication.


PicAlbum is a web-based picture album viewer. It is simple to install and maintain, since pictures are just placed into albums/directories, and no database is required. Pictures are resized and displayed as needed, requiring no additional disk space.


CDProject contains documentation, instructions, and my notes on creating a custom bootable CD with lots of utilities (possibly including non-Free software).


This is a short fragment of code to test a null-modem connection (loopback) to make sure traffic is getting through.


DisplayTerminalSettings is a short fragment of code to dump out the terminal settings, and can be useful when debugging serial lines, etc.


GetChars is a simple program to dump keycodes for keypresses.


RewriteMirror is a program used to mirror a remote website locally on-the-fly. It is similar to using a proxy server, and has been used to dynamically mirror websites such as and

Note: This project is no longer actively maintained, but the code is available if you want it.


grader is a program that I wrote back in about 1996 to allow students to find out what their current grade was in a class (I was TA, and was tired of individual students asking). It originally just computed and displayed the current grade, but eventually grew into an entire gradebook program.

Note: This project is no longer actively maintained, but the code is available if you want it.


This is a program that tests a host or network against a blacklist or set of blacklists. This allows an administrator to find problems existing on their network.

Note: This project is no longer actively maintained, but the code is available if you want it.


mars is an applet that displays the current time on Earth and on Mars

Note: This project is no longer actively maintained, but the code is available if you want it. © Copyright Frank Sorenson.
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Legal documents here are matters of public record.
Contact me via email at frank AT tuxrocks DOT com.